group home for elderly

Serving  Illinois, Wisconsin and Florida

Don't we all? I read somewhere that as soon as you turn 30 your brain function decreases. Guess that explains why I can't remember what I already wrote when my laptop shuts down by accident and doesn't save the blog post I already typed...My friends at the Alzheimer's Association Greater Illinois Chapter &Central Baptist Village have partnered up for a free workshop about brain health, appropriately titled: "Now What Was I Saying?"The workshop is an hour and a half and is designed for "boomers" and/or other healthy older adults who want to keep their memories sharp for as long as possible.The informative and interactive program focuses on how our memory works, normal age-related changes vs. serious memory problems and the tricks and techniques to stimulate and challenge the brain.Here are the details, and write them down so you don't forget:Tuesday, November 11 2008 (and don't forget to honor our veterans on that day as well!)2pm-3:30 pmLocation: Central Baptist Village, 4747 N. Canfield Rd, Norridge, ILTo register for this free program call 847-933-2413 or register online here.

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