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Senior Living Experts wants you to fully understand the role of social workers in Chicago assisted living facilities. The job of being a social worker can be extremely difficult while also being quite rewarding too.

What is The Role of Social Workers in Chicago Assisted Living Facilities

Choosing a Chicago assisted living facility for your senior loved one could be one of the more difficult decisions you will have to face. The most important part of understanding the role of the geriatric social worker in assisted living facilities (ALF) is to understand that the job requires a multitude of skills.

What Do Social Workers in Chicago Assisted Living Facilities Do?

Becoming a Social Worker:The skills involved in being a social worker for an ALF are something that requires a natural ability. It also requires an education too. Social workers must have a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree to practice. Along with a degree there are continuing education courses that are especially relevant in keeping your license up to date.The Role of the Social Worker in Chicago Assisted Living Facilities

  • Interact between the client, their family & the ALF to be sure everyone is heard and understood.
  • Be certain that advanced care plans are created and filed if needed. (living wills, DNR, Estate Planning, advanced directives)
  • Helps defer problems that can occur while the client lives in the facility.
  • Give the client and their family tours of the facility.
  • Explain programs and options available to the client & their family.
  • Serve as a liaison for the client and their family between the ALF & other institutions (hospitals, medical facilities & more).
  • Collaborate with other professionals to help evaluate & assess client needs.
  • Act as a patient advocate if a client is in need of something (medical, personal, or other).
  • Monitor the client’s progress and changes.
  • Complete necessary paperwork needed for a variety of changes or requests.
  • Offer counsel to clients and their families during any worrisome moments.
  • Help explain situations and rules of programs and living area to reduce any confusion.
  • Help create a discharge plan in the case of the client leaving any facility; including coming from one facility to another (hospital, temporary rehab care, etc.).

In addition to all of the services mentioned above, an ALF social worker may wear many caps inside the facility too. It’s noteworthy that you will likely see the social worker often as they tend to be involved directly with the clients each day.

Summary: How the Role of Social Workers in Chicago Assisted Living Facilities Improve Quality of Life for Elderly Residents

Many could refer to the role of social workers in Chicago assisted living facilities as the glue that holds it all together. They help with a number of daily activities and functions throughout the facility. ALF social workers oversee & help ensure that the client is well cared for and understood.

How Residents' Lives Are Improved by Social Workers:

  • They give the client a voice.
  • Social workers show a personal concern for the well-being and happiness of the client.
  • As part of their job, they monitor how the client is doing each day. They make special notes if someone doesn’t seem to be “themselves” or is acting differently.
  • As a liaison they bring all voices together so everyone knows where they stand.
  • Bring technical language to layman terms; making sure everyone understands the terminology.
  • Stand up for the rights of the client.
  • One of the most complicated & time consuming parts of their job is to complete & submit tons of paperwork on behalf of the client & the facility.
  • Working as a mediator, they help reduce the stress of the client by providing a voice for them. They also explain the system and answer any questions the client or their family may have.

There’s no question that social workers are a huge relief to the family and clients of those who live in assisted living. They remove a lot of stress and confusion in what can often be a very difficult and confusing time of life.

Let Us Help

Our team offers the help in finding the best fit for your senior living needs while offering the best tips and help available. Social workers in Chicago assisted living facilities improve the quality of life for elderly residents by not only helping reduce confusing but by offering numerous answers to questions and fears associated with a big moment in life.Photo by austinevan

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