Respite, the most frequently requested family support service, has beenshown to provide family caregivers with the relief necessary tomaintain their own health, bolster family stability, keep marriagesintact, and avoid or delay more costly nursing home or foster careplacements.
The Lifespan Respite Care Act authorizes competitive grants to Aging and Disability Resource Centers in collaboration with a public or private non-profit state respite coalition or organization to make quality respite available and accessible tofamily caregivers regardless of age or disability. The law allowsgrantees to identify, coordinate and build on federal, state and localrespite resources and funding streams, and would help support, expandand streamline planned and emergency respite, provider recruitment andtraining, and caregiver training.
Your help is needed... contact your legislators and urge them to fund the Lifespan Respite Care Act as $40 million for FY 2008. For more information please visit Lifespan Respite Care Act Site. There are links to help you contact your legislator and learn more.
Photo by Matthias Zomer