group home for elderly

Serving  Illinois, Wisconsin and Florida

This holiday season, it’s important to observe how your senior loved one is doing when visiting them. Often, after the holidays, we get calls from families who have noticed some changes in their family member that have caused them to think a more supported lifestyle may be in store.Here are some things to look for:Is your loved one still active and participating in the events that they have always enjoyed?Is their personal hygiene being done on a daily basis?Are they eating proper, nutritious meals?Have they had recent falls?Are they mentally alert and making safe decisions for themselves?Are they seeing their doctor regularly?Is their home safe to navigate? (Laundry on main level, walk in shower?)If after seeing your senior in the next several weeks, you feel they are in need of more support, give Senior Living Experts a call. We can talk over the options with you and educate you on the senior living level that would benefit your senior the most. Perhaps, it would be for a respite stay during the difficult months of winter, or for a permanent transition. Either way, we can assist in helping to make your senior successful and fulfilled in their newfound lifestyle!

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