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Serving  Illinois, Wisconsin and Florida

Are assisted living communities Government Regulated?While there are federal laws that impact assisted living, the primary oversight of assisted living occurs at the state level. Each of the 50 states and DC regulate assisted living to some degree, but there is a great variation among them.Even in the most highly regulated states, the people developing the standards try not to create a product that is overwhelmed by rules and regulations. Because then you would have a nursing home, and assisted living was conceived as an alternative to the institutional feel of many nursing homes.It is up to the consumer to do their research and ask the hard questions to make sure that the assisted living facility that they are considering will be able to provide the care they need for their loved one now and into the future.For additional information and a state by state listing you can download the Assisted Living State Regulatory Review 2006 published by the National Center for Assisted Living.

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