group home for elderly

Serving  Illinois, Wisconsin and Florida

Jeanne Llamas

Geriatric Case Manager

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Jeanne Llamas

Selling your home can be a complicated and multi-faceted endeavor. Jeanne funnels her real estate knowledge, design talents, dedication, attention to detail, and enthusiasm into creating customized solutions to meet your needs and guide you through the process from start to finish. Along with the Bridge Team and Compass Jeanne has the up-to-date tools and marketing to sell a home efficiently and effectively.  Her client-centered focus has earned her clients’ trust for many years.

Leveraging her design and construction experience along with Compass Concierge she aids sellers in getting top dollar on the sale of their home through custom marketing plans and design strategies. Compass Concierge is the hassle-free way to sell your home faster and for a higher price with services like staging, flooring, painting, and more.* This can-do, value-added approach is why Jeanne and her clients enjoy long-standing relationships.

Nancy Pappas and I realized that the Compass Concierge is the perfect addition to her Senior Living Experts toolbox of ways to make her client’s lives easier.

Compass Concierge fronts the cost of upgrades needed to get the most money from your client’s home.. whether working with the client or their families, Jeanne takes care of planning, organizing, and getting the necessary work done.

*Rules & Exclusions apply. Compass offers no guarantee or warranty of results. Subject to additional terms and conditions.

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