group home for elderly

Serving  Illinois, Wisconsin and Florida

Eileen Fitzgerald


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Eileen Fitzgerald

Eileen R. Fitzgerald has been practicing law for 35 years.  She is a sole practitioner in Downers Grove where she concentrates her law practice in estate planning and elder law.  Eileen is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys.   Eileen helps many seniors and their families plan for a future that is caring and respectful as the parents age and address legal issues that affect people in their later years.

Eileen has worked with our senior advisor, Kerry, by guiding clients through the paperwork that is inevitable as they find the right senior living solution for them. Eileen has also helped our clients with their estate planning, including wills, trust and powers of attorney.

What Kerry Quirin Has To Say

Eileen Fitzgerald is the epitome of professionalism. I feel confident in sending my clients her way for their estate planning needs.

About Elder Law Attorneys

Elder law attorneys will primarily work with seniors for most common necessities such as wills, health care, guardianship, and financial planning. If there is ever uncertainty regarding important decisions, these attorneys can give informative advice and help you develop detailed plans to avoid any issues in the future.

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