group home for elderly

Serving  Illinois, Wisconsin and Florida

The Birches

Clarendon Hills
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215 55th St, Clarendon Hills, IL 60514

Features and Amenities

Assisted Living
Memory Care

Additional Amenities

Hair Salon
Fitness Center
Movie Room
Outdoor Space
Pets Allowed


"The Birches in Clarendon Hills offers assisted living and memory care apartments that are cozy, private, and secure, the way a home should be. At The Birches, you have the freedom and flexibility to live your life the way you want. But help and support are there when you need it, which makes everything a whole lot simpler. The Birches has a unique philosophy about aging. At The Birches, we know that successful aging is determined more by lifestyle choices than genetics, so we provide our members with the supportive environment that they need to live a healthy, well-rounded life. We are not a big chain. We are a standalone, owner-operated community that feels like just that— a community."



Kerry Quirin

Senior Care Advisor

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